Every other Saturday until March 31, 2025

5:30pm – 7:30pm



As we begin a new year, we will face many challenges personally and in our marriages. The question is not when, but how we will face them. Will we see those challenges as a means God uses in His grace to mature us?This study, Sacred Marriage, is designed to help you have a deeper intimacy with God through your marriage.“Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your spouse more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God”. (Gary Thomas)
Sacred Marriage is a six-session video study. We will meet every other week on Saturday afternoons from 5:30 to 7:30. During this time we will have a meal together, watch the session, and look over the questions in the study guide. Each person will need their own study guide. It can be purchased on Amazon for $8.
Our first session will begin on Saturday, January 18th. We look forward to growing together in our relationship with Christ.The Bassards will supply a main dish and drinks each week. Couples will sign to bring other items for dinner.