Dear Friends…

 The past couple of weeks have been foundational for Gateway Bible Church. It was especially meaningful to spend a day praising God for His faithfulness over the course of the past year. Celebrating with you, our Gateway church family as well as some special guests from NorthCreek, Higher Ground and Wellspring made the day a true celebration of God’s faithful work through partnerships in the Gospel. As we have said many times, we want God to be glorified in the establishing of Gateway Bible Church. We are simply caretakers, using our gifts to spread the glory of the Gospel and to establish a local expression of His church.

 God has truly demonstrated Himself along the journey and we have much to celebrate. That being said, we are now faced with the reality that God has called us to be His Church and to continue to faithfully proclaim His Good News. It is healthy for us to revisit some basics that have been foundational to the establishing of Gateway Bible Church. So, by way of reminder let me encourage you to do the following:

 1. Read through our foundational documents such as our Mission Statement, Core Commitments and Statement of Beliefs. These documents can be found on our web-site or by clicking them. I would encourage you to make this a priority and encourage you to memorize our mission statement.


2. Read through the Gospel of John. I want to encourage you to read it through at one sitting a couple of times, then as we are in specific sections to read those passages repeatedly. You will learn and grow more effectively as you keep His Word before you. We will be in the Prologue, John 1:1-18 for the next three weeks. This is a very significant passage of Scripture that teaches and reinforces the nature and mission of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. So, let me encourage you to read and study it for yourself.

 3. Join a Home Group. I realize that this is more time out of your day, but it is in this arena that we are able to carefully talk about the implications of what we are studying. I have attended both Home Groups and can attest that each experience has been heartfelt, intimate and a help to all.


Now, please don’t forget to read the bulletin and, in particular, be sure to make your plans to join us this Sunday morning as well as in the Evening at 6 p.m. for our Baptism Service held at Higher Ground Church which meets at 6022 Seminary Ave in Oakland, CA. Please come and encourage and support those who are testifying of their faith in Christ.


May God give you boldness as you preach the Gospel to yourself every day and as you live your life reflecting that Gospel to a world walking in darkness.


God bless,


Pastor Rod Phillips – Teaching Pastor


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