We believe that all sixty-six books of the Bible are God’s only written revelation to man with every word God-breathed, inerrant in the original documents, and the only sufficient and infallible rule for life and practice.
We believe that there is only one God, eternally present as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who created all things by the word of His mouth in six 24-hour days and perfectly sustains and sovereignly rules all matter and actions by His divine decree.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, in undiluted, perfect, and eternal union as the Second Person of the Trinity, who was born of the virgin Mary, who took on the limitations of humanity to save the elect through His completed work on the cross, thereby establishing His right to rule over God’s Kingdom forever.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, co-equal in essence and deity with the Father and the Son, who is continuously active in creation, salvation, sanctification, illumination, and intercession, gifting the early church with authenticating sign gifts, and ongoing equipping gifts for ministry.
We believe that man was created in the image of God, yet fell through the universally inherited sin of Adam, resulting in every man following him being born in sin, spiritually dead, hostile to God, completely helpless and hopeless to do anything to advance his spiritual condition, neither worthy of being saved, nor wanting to be.
We believe that sin originated in the angelic world and it rules every part of man’s being. Man is an absolute slave to his sin nature. Without God’s intervention, man would be eternally separated from God and condemned to hell for eternity.
We believe that before time began God chose the elect to be His, rescuing them from their sin through the perfect and complete atonement of Jesus Christ through His sacrificial death on the cross, whereby God draws believing sinners to Himself and grants them the gifts of faith and repentance, resulting in their instantaneous justification, their ongoing sanctification, and their future glorification in heaven with Him.
The Church
We believe that the visible, earthly church is made up of all who have repented of their sin and confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, who have united with local bodies of believers who reflect the glory of God in worship, are devoted to the preaching of His Word, observe the Lord’s Table and believers baptism, are governed by multiple male elders, practice church discipline, and exercise their spiritual gifts.
Future Things
We believe that Christ will return to rapture His church out of this world before He establishes His millennial rule on earth to complete His covenant with Israel, and ultimately establish a new heaven and new earth where we will rule with Him forever.