We exist to glorify God, by building a community of believers who are actively committed to knowing, applying and proclaiming the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We will seek to accomplish that mission through the following:

Sunday Celebration

Our Sunday morning gathering is not the only effort of the church, but it is the first and most central effort.  The Sunday service is a crucial component to every facet of the mission.  Our goal, then, is to make our Sunday gatherings our primary concern.  On Sundays we will seek to worship our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ with joy through gospel-centered songs, and the faithful expository preaching of His precious Word.

Home Groups

Although our Sunday Celebration is central it is not the sole meeting of the church.  Our home group meetings help us to apply the gospel and flesh out in fuller measure the life of the local church.


We want to be carefully and skillfully looking for ways that we can open the Word of God and share it with those who do not know Him as Lord and Savior.