We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization EIN 80-0690660, and all contributions are tax-deductible.
Annual statements are e-mailed in late January for the prior calendar year. Your giving history available online anytime.
One-Time Gifts
We can securely process your donation online, by phone, or by mail.
By mail, please mail to:
Gateway Bible Church
PO BOX 2178
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Give via Text
We would like to ensure that giving is both simple and seamless for you at this time.
Simply text the word GATEWAYLIFE, and the desired dollar amount to Gateway's Giving Number: 73256 and follow the few steps instruction.
Give via PayPal
Employer Matching Gifts
Find out if your employer will match your gifts to our gospel outreach.
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. You can double or even triple the impact of your support through this means. Find out if your employer will match your gifts to our gospel outreach. Our EIN 80-0690660, Gateway Bible Church, Castro Valley, CA.
Legacy Giving through Estate Planning
Create a heritage of faith for future generations.
Many friends who share Gateway Bible Church vision understand that wise biblical stewardship extends to future generations. Through thoughtful, long-range planning, you can ensure your impact on the disciples of tomorrow while achieving your personal financial goals today. You may choose to give by including Gateway Bible Church in your will or trust, through your retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance, by naming Gateway Bible Church Inc. EIN 80-0690660 as the beneficiary of a bank or investment account, or through gifts that provide income and tax benefits.
Donate by Shopping on Amazon
A portion of your purchases can be donated directly to Gateway Bible Church.
Turn your online shopping into gospel outreach through AmazonSmile. When you shop using your AmazonSmile account and select Gateway Bible Church, Castro Valley, CA as your beneficiary, a portion of your purchases directly supports our Church ministry. If you haven’t enrolled in AmazonSmile yet, it’s as simple as signing up and shopping through smile.Amazon.com. Without increasing the cost of your order, part of your Amazon purchase price will be donated directly to Gateway, empowering us to proclaim the holiness of God in all its fullness to even more people around the world.
Gifts of Bitcoin - Coming Soon
Gifts of BTC to Gateway Bible Church global gospel outreach may provide you with a significant tax advantage.
Gifts of the BTC cryptocurrency supports Gateway Bible Church mission outreach while you may receive significant tax advantages at the same time. Before you sell BTC and donate the after-tax proceeds, consider donating your BTC directly. Generally, the deduction a donor can claim is based on the price of the asset on the date and time they relinquish control to a charity. This model includes two significant benefits, both for you and for Gateway Bible Church:
Your tax deduction will be equal to the fair market value of the donated Bitcoin (as determined by a qualified appraisal).
Your gift to Gateway Bible Church will be larger because, instead of paying capital gains taxes, the ministry will receive the full value of your contribution.
Old Online Giving Platform: