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Sermons from June 2015

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June 28, 2015

The Tolerant Church and The Dead Church

Speaker: Matt Dodson || Albert Castaneda Series: To the One Who Conquers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Revelation 2:18–3:7

June 21, 2015

The Persecuted and Faithless Churches

Speaker: Ed Bassard Jr. || Matt Dodson Series: To the One Who Conquers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Revelation 2:8–2:17

June 14, 2015

To The One Who Conquers

Speaker: Rod Phillips || JD Bautista Series: To the One Who Conquers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Revelation 1`:9–2:7

June 7, 2015

Rock of Escape

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Looking for a King - 1 Samuel Topic: Old Testament Scripture: 1 Samuel 23:1–23:29