2014 Bolivia Missions Trip: T-4 Days!
(Original post: 6/12/14. Updated with link: 6/17/14)
Our 2014 missions team leaves for Bolivia in four days! The team leaves on June 16th and returns July 1st.
Pastor Rod, Elia, Albert, Alicia, Rebecca, Dave, and JohnE will be serving the local churches under national pastor Matias Mojica in Santa Cruz and Samaipata.
The team will continue the work of training the pastors and ministry workers in biblical exposition, as a great need for pastoral training still exists in the Bolivian church. They will also serve the churches as needed, teaching the women and youth and encouraging the local believers. Here's an article Pastor Rod wrote for the Gospel Coalition last year: http://thegospelcoalition.org/article/teaming-up-to-serve-the-church-in-bolivia
Different members of the team will post an update here every two to three days, so stay tuned! In the meantime, as they are faithfully going, let us faithfully send them -- especially as we pray.
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