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Sermons from August 2015

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August 30, 2015

The Witch of En-dor

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Looking for a King - 1 Samuel Topic: Old Testament Scripture: 1 Samuel 28:3–28:25

August 23, 2015

Stench of a King

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Looking for a King - 1 Samuel Topic: Old Testament Scripture: 1 Samuel 27:1–28:2

August 16, 2015


Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 2:5–2:11

August 9, 2015

Getting the Point

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Looking for a King - 1 Samuel Topic: Old Testament Scripture: 1 Samuel 26:1–26:25

August 2, 2015

The Transforming Power of a Holy God

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Isaiah 6:1–6:9