Sermon Archive


Guest Speakers

July 14, 2024

The Glorious Providence of God

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Romans 8:28

June 9, 2024

The Gospel of Propitiation

Speaker: Lucien Gerhardt Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Romans 3:10–26

July 16, 2023

The Effectiveness of Radical Allegiance to Jesus

Speaker: Bogdan Zagorodniy Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Luke 14:25–35

March 19, 2023

Ukraine - Missions

Speaker: Roman Kurbatskyi Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Talk

August 21, 2022

Refreshing Evangelism

Speaker: Matias Mojica Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Romans 15:17–33

March 13, 2022

Our Duty Toward Others

Speaker: Matias Mojica Jr Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Romans 12:9–21

February 20, 2022

Live in Line with Your Eternal Zip Code

Speaker: Denis Gerasimov Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 1:271–30

January 2, 2022

A New Year With New Challenges / How will you respond?

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 4:2–7

November 14, 2021

Behold The Lamb of God

Speaker: Chris Kiagiri Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: John 1:19–34

August 8, 2021

A Season of Darkness

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Judges 21:25

July 18, 2021

Psalms in the Night

Speaker: Jon McNeff Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 1:1– 150:6

July 11, 2021

The Breath of God

Speaker: Jon McNeff Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10– 4:4

June 27, 2021

The Value of God's Word

Speaker: Roman Kurbatskyi Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Titus 1:1– 2:15

May 30, 2021

Under God's Care

Speaker: Alex Vakulin Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Matthew 6:19–34

December 27, 2020

The Fight To Be Holy

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13–19

July 26, 2020

Faith Sees the Unseeable

Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–7

July 19, 2020

A Promise Is Always Better

Speaker: Matias Mojica Jr Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Galatians 3:10–29

February 9, 2020

Set Your Mind on His Grace

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13–17

February 2, 2020

The Priority of Prayer

Speaker: Michael Lucas Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Mark 4

July 21, 2019

Transient Man, Eternal Home

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 90:1–17

July 7, 2019

Are you a Disciple?

Speaker: Michael Lucas Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Luke 14:25–33

June 30, 2019

How Great is This Grace!

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:10–12

June 23, 2019

Look and Live!

Speaker: Chris Kiagiri Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Numbers 21:4–9

April 7, 2019

Fear Paralyzes Faith in God’s Promises

Speaker: Roman Kurbatskyi Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Numbers 13:1– 14:45

March 10, 2019

Finding Peace in the Midst of Trials

Speaker: Roman Kurbatskyi Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 4:1–8

February 17, 2019

God's Hidden Wisdom

Speaker: Albert Castaneda Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 2 Corinthians 2:2–16

February 17, 2019

Psalm 67

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Guest Speakers

February 10, 2019

Remaining Faithful in the Midst of Persecution and Suffering

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1–9

May 20, 2018

Preaching: Jesus Christ, Crucified!

Speaker: Albert Castaneda Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1–5

February 18, 2018

Man's Wisdom and Strength vs God's Foolishness and Weakness

Speaker: Albert Castaneda Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10–17

February 11, 2018

Is All Truth God's Truth?

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: John 17:14–19

December 31, 2017

The Lord's Supper

Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23–31

April 9, 2017

The King in the Garden

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Matthew 26:36–46

February 19, 2017

Unless The Lord Builds the House

Speaker: Albert Castaneda Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 127:1–5

February 12, 2017

It Is ever OK To Complain?

Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 13

January 22, 2017

Crowding Jesus

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Mark 3:7–35

January 1, 2017

Eternal God, Transient Man

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 90:1–17

October 16, 2016

Transfiguration on a Mountain

Speaker: Volodymyr Havrylyuk Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Luke 9:27–36

October 9, 2016

Why Missions?

Speaker: Matias Mojica Jr Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Matthew 9:35–38

September 25, 2016


Speaker: Matias Mojica Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philemon 1:1–27

May 29, 2016

The Beauty of the Lord

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 27:1–14

May 22, 2016

The Greatest of All

Speaker: Joel Umanzor Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Mark 12:28–34

May 15, 2016

Communal Life

Speaker: Billie Dempsey Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Colossians 3:12–17

April 17, 2016

Remaining Faithful in Suffering

Speaker: Ed Bassard Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1–7

March 13, 2016

Keep Your Heart With All Vigilance

Speaker: Roman Kurbatskyi Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Proverbs 4:23

February 14, 2016

The Gift of Jesus - His Righteousness

Speaker: Dennis Braga Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Luke 15:1–32

December 27, 2015

Praise The Lord

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 150:1–6

September 27, 2015

The Cry of Jesus

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Matthew 27:45–50

September 20, 2015

Joy Amidst Suffering

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17–19

August 16, 2015


Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 2:5–2:11

August 2, 2015

The Transforming Power of a Holy God

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Isaiah 6:1–6:9

May 31, 2015

A Might Fortress Is Our God

Speaker: Matt Dodson Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 46:1–46:11

May 3, 2015

Die to Live

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Romans 12:1–12:2

April 12, 2015

Which Way?

Speaker: JD Bautista Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 1:1–1:6

June 29, 2014

The Father's plan for allowing suffering in His Children

Speaker: Travis Payton Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3–1:11

June 22, 2014

A Transformed Philosophy of Living

Speaker: JR Cuevas Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Acts 20:24–20:24

January 19, 2014

Christ is the comfort that God graciously gives judgment deserving sinners

Speaker: Travis Payton Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Isaiah 40:1–40:11

December 1, 2013

Have This Mind In You

Speaker: Caleb Azure Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 2:5–2:11

June 23, 2013

The Sovereign Ruling Majesty of God

Speaker: Travis Payton Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Revelation 4:1–4:11

June 16, 2013

Happy to be Home

Speaker: Kent Dresdow Series: Guest Speakers Scripture: Psalm 27:1–27:8

May 26, 2013

God’s Deliverance Rooted in God’s Glory

Speaker: Kevin Hsu Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Exodus 6:1–7:7

March 10, 2013

So Great a Salvation

Speaker: Jim Daggs Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3–1:5

February 24, 2013

Drawing Near to God in Adversity

Speaker: Randy Bachman Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 3:1–3:8

December 30, 2012

The Perfected Love of God

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 1 John 3:1–3:18

October 7, 2012

Chosen in Christ

Speaker: Jason Jarvis Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–1:6

July 22, 2012


Speaker: Jason Jarvis Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1–2:8

July 15, 2012

What's Wrong With The Pharisees

Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: John 3:1–3:21

June 17, 2012

Love One Another

Speaker: Mike Canham Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Topical Scripture: 1 John 4:7–4:11

February 26, 2012

A Model Prayer

Speaker: Charlie Nason Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Colossians 1:9–1:14

September 18, 2011

Gateway Launch

Speaker: Jon McNeff Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Matthew 22:37–22:40

July 31, 2011

The Preeminence of Christ

Speaker: Jim Daggs Series: Guest Speakers Topic: New Testament Scripture: Colossians 1:13–1:20