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Marks of a Healthy Church

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Marks of a Healthy Church

Gateway's first sermon series on 12 marks of a healthy church

July 24, 2011

Biblical Eldership

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–5:4

July 17, 2011

Biblical Discipleship

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18

July 10, 2011

A Biblical Understanding of Church Discipline, Pt. II

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Matthew 18:15–18:20

July 3, 2011

A Biblical Understanding of Church Discipline, Pt. I

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Matthew 18:15–18:20

June 26, 2011

A Biblical Understanding of Church Membership

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Hebrews 10:19–10:25

June 19, 2011

A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Acts 16:14–16:15

June 12, 2011

A Biblical Understanding of Conversion

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Acts 16:14–16:15

June 5, 2011

The Gospel

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Romans 1:16–1:17

May 29, 2011

Biblical Theology

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: 1 John 2:18–2:21

May 22, 2011

Expository Preaching

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:5

May 15, 2011

Investing in the Next Generation

Speaker: Rod Phillips Series: Marks of a Healthy Church Topic: Topical Scripture: Psalm 78:1–78:8