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Posts by Rod Phillips

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This is a working seminar where there will be lecture, group discussions, and small group discussions on selected texts from the book of Philippians. ...

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Jay Z and the Sunshine Band

I know! I Know! The title of this update doesn't make any sense, does it? But you need to know that Gateway has a new celebrity in town and his name is Jay Z well, that is what the brothers have been calling JD throughout this week. Not because they know that there is a rapper by the name of Jay Z, but because in the Ukrainian tongue it is extremely hard to pronounce the ...

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Ministry in Kyiv

Dear Gateway FamilyGreetings from "somewhere" out in the frozen tundra of Ukraine called Bil'che, near the city of Lutzk. Yes, it is cold, between 15-28 F, but nothing that we were not expecting. Well, it has been a full and hard week of ministry so far. We finished up our conference on the outskirts of Kiev hosted at a camp/conference center owned and run by the Scriptur...

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5 Year Celebration Videos

Videos Used at Gateway's 5 Year Anniversary...

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Celebrating 5 Years


Reflecting on a great weekend......

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Bolivia 2016 - Update #4

Dear Gateway Family The days continue to be full and so does my tummy. One of the things that we typically run into is that our hosts are eager to make sure that we eat well, but that is only part of the truth. You see, in Bolivia, there are four meals: Breakfast where we are served eggs, yogurt, fruit, pancakes and toast covered with Carlos Mojica's (son #2) delicious s...

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Bolivia 2016 - Update #3

Dear Gateway Family It is now Friday morning and the past few days have been full of both ministry and activity. We arrived safely on Monday night after a relatively problem free flight from San Francisco through Panama City to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. By the time we arrived in Bolivia it was 11 p.m but we "had" to fellowship for a while, have dinner and touch base on the con...

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Ukraine Update #8

Well, although we are all packed and ready to catch the plane in just a few hours, I wanted to send you a final update on our last couple of days. On Sunday we all attended Salvation Church where both Roman and Vovo are pastors. Roman is not in Ukraine due to family matters, but Vovo kept us focussed and was a great encouragement. We really enjoyed meeting the people of S...

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Ukraine Update #7

Today was our last day of the conference. The attendance was a little lower today due to the fact that a wedding was taking place in one of the churches and many of the brothers needed to be available to attend. Still, the day was full of warmth, hard work and helpful reflections on our conference. The men finished up their small group studies on 2 Timothy 3 and 4 and then...

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Ukraine Update #6

The follow article was written a couple of days ago - but we have been without wi-fi... ______________ It has bee a couple of days since I shared some thoughts about our time here in Rivne, so I want to keep you updated. Yesterday we took a day trip to Ostrih (pronounced Ostroh), a town outside of Rivne that is significant for both its literary and military history. It ...

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Ukraine Update #4

Due to the work schedule of most of the men our conference is taking place in the evenings from 5-9 p.m. Yesterday, as the conference continued, we had our first "small group" time where each of the men wrestled together with the text of 2 Timothy. It was so extremely encouraging to watch six groups of men huddled around small tables, diving into 2 Timothy tentatively, eag...

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Ukraine Update #3

Today is Thursday, February 11, 2016, and I am waking up having had a full day of activity and ministry on Wednesday as well as a full night's sleep. God is good! [Our Hosts: Albina Peter] Yesterday, in the morning we went on a walk into downtown Rivne with our host, Albina and Tanya Evans, an American missionary from Maryland. Tanya came to serve here in Rivne seven ...

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False Converts

One of the tragedies of any church ministry is that we would be guilty of preaching a watered down Gospel that results in people believing that they are converted but are not. Here is a video that addresses this tendency and asks us to consider a more Biblical approach. I can relate to a lot of the tactics mentioned. I sat under them, I did them, I challenged against them...

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Bolivia Update #6

Report #6...

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Bolivia Update #5

Pastor Rod reflects on ministry in Bolivia...

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Bolivia Update #4

Dennis Braga reports on the last couple of days at the Simeon Trust Workshop....

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Weekend Conference

Weekend Conference at Bible Baptist Church in Santa Cruz, Bolivia....

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Bolivia 2015 - Update #1- Arrived & Settling In

The first part of the team has arrived safely in Santa Cruz, Bolivia....

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How To Find the Right Counselor

What should a person be looking for when choosing or seeking counsel?...

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Update 9.27.11

A quick update emphasizing our need to: 1. Review our foundational documents 2. Read the Gospel of John - in particular 1:1-18 3. Join a Home Group ...

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And So Our Story Begins...

A Brief Story of How God Began Gateway Bible Church...

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Marks of a Healthy Church

This past year I sat in on a meeting as a consultant for a church that was considering the possibility of closing for the purpose of a "church replant". I met with the leadership of that church and delegates of another much larger and "successful" church from outside the area interested in assuming control and thereby establishing a replant. The delegation came with great ...

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