Jun 30
Update from Rebecca
Update from Rebecca: I had a wonderful and new experience in Samaipata leading and teaching the ladies class.
Jun 30
Update from Rebecca: I had a wonderful and new experience in Samaipata leading and teaching the ladies class.
Update from Pastor Rod: Ministry in Bolivia isn’t always taking place in the churches; there is always down time.
Jun 29
Update from Pastor Rod: We expected a smaller crowd in Samaipata, and the rain and mud kept away others who may have planned to come.
Jun 29
Update from Dave: We all made it back to Santa Cruz in one piece.
Update from Dave: Things are getting dicey here.
Jun 24
Update from Pastor Rod: Dear Church Family, our time here has been extremely special.
Jun 24
Update from Albert: Saturday and Sunday were wonderful days of ministry for the team. We finished our conference with the men and women and gave out books.
Jun 24
Update from Dave: Greetings! Yesterday we traveled to the campsite Matias is building for ministry.
Jun 22
Update from Pastor Rod: The church in Toronjal is just five years old and is located in one of the poorest sections of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pastor Matias Mojica's eldest son, Matias Jr., is pastoring this church.
Jun 21
Update from Pastor Rod: I sat down with one of the pastors from Cochabamba who traveled over 8 hours to attend our conference. His name is Ariel, and I want to share his testimony with you.
Jun 20
Update from Elia: I am so thankful to be with our Bolivian church family. It's good to see familiar faces and meet new people. We have been so warmly welcomed here.
Jun 17
Prayer Request from Albert: Today we found out that men are coming from as far away as the country of Chile and the city of Cochabamba (8 hours)
Jun 17
Our 2014 missions team leaves for Bolivia in four days! The team leaves on June 16th and returns July 1st.
Jun 17
Update from Dave: We are praising God for a completely smooth and uneventful set of plane rides to Bolivia.